Author Guidelines

1. The GESTIN journal aims to disseminate studies in the areas of Management, Law, Tourism and Social and Behavioral Sciences. It publishes original works in the form of articles, papers and critical reviews of works.

2. Papers in Portuguese, English and Spanish are accepted.

3. Papers must be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman source, 12 point, single spaced, and cannot exceed 50 thousand characters (including spaces). All figures, tables and graphs will be sequentially numbered, captioned and cited in the body of the text.

4. The structure of the papers should be as follows: title in the language of the text, in portuguese/spanish and in english, names of the authors (in footnotes, the respective email address and institutional affiliation should be included), abstract, keywords, text and bibliography references. To facilitate the development of your work, download our template here..

5. The summary should not exceed 300 words, it will be a small autonomous text in portuguese, in english and in the original language of the written text.

6. The keywords, up to a maximum of five, must be presented in portuguese, in english and in the original language of the text.

7. The texts must be divided into sections and subsections, according to the content.

8. Quotations in the areas of Management, Tourism and Social and Behavioral Sciences will be carried out in accordance with the norms of the of the American Psychological Association (APA). Examples:

– Printed Scientific Article: Goldfried, M. R. (2013). What should we expect from psychotherapy? Clinical Psychology Review, 33(5), 862-869.

– Electronic Scientific Article: Goldfried, M. R. (2013). What should we expect from psychotherapy? Clinical Psychology Review, 33(5), 862-869.

– Printed book: Antonelli, G. (2006). Underwater robots: Motion and force control of vehicle manipulator systems (2nd ed.). Springer.

– Electronic book: Antonelli, G. (2006). Underwater robots: Motion and force control of vehicle manipulator systems (2nd ed.). Springer.

– Printed book chapter: Canon, C. L. (2006). Gastrointestinal tract. In J. K. Lee, S. S. Sagel, R. J. Stanley, & Jay P. Heiken (Eds.), Computed body tomography with MRI correlation (4th ed., pp. 771-828). Lippincot Williams & Wilkins.

– Electronic book chapter: Rhodes, R. A. W. (2007). Blair and governance. In R. Koch & J. Dixon (Eds.), Public governance and leadership (pp. 95-116). (pp. 95-116). DOUBT

8.1 Quotations in the field of Law must be made in the following manner. Examples:

– Books: MONTEIRO FERNANDES, António, Direito do Trabalho, 21.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2022, págs. 100 e ss;

– Articles: Nunes Vicente, Joana, “A Lei n.o 93/2019, de 4/9 e a revisão do regime jurídico do contrato de trabalho a termo”, QL, n.o 55, Almedina, Coimbra, 2020, págs. 105 e ss;

– Book Chapter: Ferreira dos Santos Gil, Susana, “Algumas Notas sobre o Eterno Novo Mundo: o Teletrabalho”, em Estudos de Direito do Trabalho em Homenagem ao Professor António Monteiro Fernandes, Nova Causa – Edições Jurídicas, 2017, págs. 641 e ss;

– Jurisprudence:
Ac. STJ de 07/05/2007. Processo 06S2576
Ac. Rel. Porto de 28/10/2015. Processo 226/11.1TTMTS.P2

9. The list of bibliographical references must be organized alphabetically.

10. Papers for publication will be submitted using the form 'Call for Papers' on the GESTIN website.

11. After publication in GESTIN, articles become the journal's property.

12. All published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors.